The Art of Leadership: Balancing Being with Doing

A profound phrase captures the essence of true leadership: Elevate ‘to be’ to the same level as ‘to do’. This concept goes beyond traditional leadership rhetoric, urging C-level executives to not only focus on actions and outcomes but also on the state of being – being aware and witnessing their own self – as leaders, […]


Unveiling the Future of Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Talent Preparation

It’s with immense pride and excitement that I share a milestone in our journey towards redefining talent development for the future of work. My article, “Preparing Talent for the Future of Work: A Transformational Approach,” has found its home in the November 2021 issue of Training Industry magazine – a beacon for professionals in the […]


The Future of Work: Navigating Change and Empowering Growth

Ever had one of those jaw-dropping chats that just stick with you? Well, I recently found myself in such a conversation with a CEO who absolutely floored me with their deep dive into enhancing productivity and performance. But here’s the kicker: we stumbled upon a challenge that really got the gears turning. The hurdle? It’s […]


Leadership Redefined: Insights from the ChangeAhead Program

Last week, as I was coaching a group of young professionals in our ChangeAhead program, a profound realization about leadership emerged. Often, we see leadership as a position, a title, or a privilege. However, during our session, we delved deeper into the true essence of leadership, uncovering that its roots lie in self-awareness and being […]


Investing in Success: Why Your Employees Are Your Greatest Asset

In the intricate puzzle of business success, one piece stands out as crucial yet often underestimated: the Workforce. The true backbone of any organization, employees are more than just cogs in the machine; they are the driving force behind innovation, productivity, and ultimately, success. In this blog, we explore why the most successful companies are […]


Empower Every Employee As a Value Creator and Change Enabler!

In the dynamic world of business, the concept of change being a top-down process is rapidly becoming outdated. Today’s most successful organizations recognize the power of empowering every team member to be a catalyst for change. This blog explores how you can revolutionize your organization by turning each employee into a change enabler, creating a […]


The Triad of Learning: 3 ‘C’ in Workforce Development

Learning is a fundamental pursuit for all of us. We often hear people say, “I’ve learned a lesson” as a testament to their growth. Employers, on the other hand, aspire for their workforce to commit to ‘continuous learning.’ But do we truly understand what effective learning entails? In the context of workforce development, learning comprises […]


The Art of Smart Work: Maximizing Minutes for Remarkable Results

In the world of productivity and career success, it’s not just about clocking in hours and routinized work; it’s about maximizing every minute. We all understand the value of hard work – the tenacity to push boundaries, surmount obstacles, and achieve greatness. But what if I told you that there’s a secret weapon that can […]


Navigating Leadership with POISE: Empathy, Skills, and Purpose

In the dynamic landscape of business, a true #leader emerges not only as a masterful manager but also as an empathetic guide. This unique blend of qualities paves the path for an organization to seamlessly reach its purpose and business objectives, overcoming obstacles with grace and efficacy. As you embark on your professional journey and […]


Unleashing Your Workforce’s Potential: Personal and Professional Growth

Are you yearning to uncover the key that can swiftly unlock your workforce’s untapped potential? Buckle up, because the solution might be simpler than you think—by guiding them on a path toward self-improvement and personal growth. Intrigued? Let’s dive right into the transformative journey that can elevate both your employees and your business to new […]
