April 16, 2024

Author: Venugopal Chepur

Rare Trait for Customer Care: Ardency

Customer care is a vital aspect of any business, but it’s often misunderstood and simplified to just being courteous. The truth is, it’s much more than that. It’s a trait that goes beyond the willingness to interact, transact, and help. It’s about demonstrating a willingness to yield readily, go farther to seek results, and commit to a sense of purpose.

This rare trait that redefines customer care is ardency. It’s the intensity that goes beyond duty or obligation and the theory of the customer’s Jobs-To-Be-Done. It’s about relinquishing your individual ego identities, accepting to see the rationale of seeing your joy in how they’d want to see things, and surrendering to this endeavor.

“It’s about relinquishing your individual ego identities, accepting to see the rationale of seeing your joy in how they’d want to see things, and surrendering to this endeavor.”

Unlike most other traits, ardency doesn’t present itself openly but parlays as an underlying intensity. It’s like saying, “I’m doing this for my Mom or Dad” – or for a cause or an organization, something or someone adored – family, boss, colleagues, friends, etc. It’s about the commitment to ‘get stuff done’ for the person, no matter how hard the job, and the sense of purpose that is enveloped in your commitment to them.

So, if you want to excel in customer care, embrace ardency. It’s a paradoxical selfish stance since it is still your achievement and fulfilling, but it’s all for and about YOU – your wish to toil for them. As you embrace ardency, you’ll redefine care with a distilled perspective that goes beyond our habitual transactional mindset.


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April 16, 2024

Author: Venugopal Chepur

Rare Trait for Customer Care: Ardency

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