The first step towards an inward transformational journey is to become aware that your thoughts and behavior are a consequence of your intellect interacting with your inner image or identity, for every moment, situation, action, and experience.
For example, you experience a pleasant or unpleasant feeling whenever you see a person. This is because you see that person based on your interaction with your inner image, and perhaps hence either as a problem or benign person. Your experience is the result of your intellect interacting with your inner image, considered for the person.
But, with this awareness, slowly and yet steadily, you can begin to filter, acknowledge and mitigate such bias, and avoid those cosmetic gestures which are highly (and perhaps erroneously) prized for getting ahead.
Step 2: Active acceptance
Acceptance sets us free, free from a lot of confusion, stress, and misery. The way we feel depends on how we see and accept most events. It takes a ‘witnessing’ like capability – to observe and accept your own feelings in a detached manner.
Begin to accommodate somewhat unpleasant, disappointing situations when you are getting frustrated or angry. Recognize the emotion and stay watching it for a few moments. This first results in inertia momentarily, but helps with witnessing your own feelings and acceptance of the same. This acknowledgment of your emotions helps you: accept situations actively (to act), passively (for non-action or timely action), or resist/retaliate (reaction).
For example, you might experience anger or frustration owing to a potential legal problem (at times imaginary threat). When you accept this situation actively, you can carry on with proper actions without becoming ensnared in a story that can be otherwise paralyzing.